A Day In The Life

This is a series I used to do where I take a day in my life and break it down from when I wake up to when I go to bed. (Some of my older day in the life posts are here, here, here and here). So if you’re interested in a snapshot of my life as a stay at home mom with 5 kids, here you go!

The crew.

4:50am: Clint’s alarm clock goes off. I roll out of bed, turn on the coffee maker and get a pan on the stove for his breakfast.

5:00am: Make eggs and toast for Clint, scrounge for some kind of lunch ingredients, settle on PB + Banana…sorry Clint, slim pickings on Fridays!

5:30am: Clint leaves for work, I get back into bed to do my devotions.

6:00am: Relish in the quiet.

6:15am: Hear Eve get up, but she starts playing with her toys in her room, breathe sigh of relief.

7:00am: Get in the shower. Yell at the kids to get dressed.

7:15am: Get out of shower, tell the kids to come up for breakfast, get dressed.

7:30am: Kids are trying to figure out costumes for ‘literacy dress up day’ at school, I try to help them get organized – even though I told them the day before to have their costumes ready AHEAD OF TIME.

7:40am: Get Eve dressed. Ask kids to bring me their lunch kits.

7:45am: Serve breakfast (always always cereal on school days). Diffuse meltdowns by children who got the ‘wrong’ colour of bowl…

8:00am: Make lunches x 4.

8:15am: Finish getting myself ready.

8:20am: Send Desmond outside to start the vehicle, tell kids to get their shoes/jackets/backpacks on.

8:30am: Frantic scramble to get everyone buckled into the car.

8:38am: Leave for school.

8:45am: Drop kids off, head to post office.

8:55am: Arrive at post office, but realize I forgot the mail I needed to send…

9:00am: Head home to change out of jeans, it’s starting to feel like a leggings day. I quickly tidy the living room/dining room.

9:20am: Head to playground with Eve.

9:30am: Playground fun with friends!

11:30am: Manage to extricate Eve from the park, head to Walmart.

11:45am: Walmart shop. Grab sufficient apples/bananas/milk/etc to last the weekend.

12:30pm: Head home to put groceries away and make lunch.

12:45pm: Lunch. Eve enjoyed bananas + peanut butter, I guess it’s the lunch of the day for everyone!

1:00pm: Put Eve in her room for QUIET TIME. I clean the kitchen and make myself something to eat.

1:30pm: Lunch in bed for me! And some down time.

2:45pm: Get Eve ready so we can pick up the boys. Realize she had an ‘accident’ in her room. Assess and clean up the aftermath. Scramble again to get her in the car.

2:57pm: Leave to pick up the boys.

3:00pm: Pick up boys, head home.

3:15pm: Snack time! I clean the kitchen and send the kids outside.

3:20pm: Jasper dumps water on Eve, she comes inside crying. I get her changed and bring out the markers/colouring books for her to do while I try to finish cleaning/getting dinner ready.

3:30pm: Tidy boot room and vacuum.

3:45pm: Gets steaks into marinade for dinner.

4:00pm: Laundry laundry laundry.

5:00pm: Bring boys inside to tidy the family room, immediately kick the older three back out for non-stop fighting…

5:15pm: Jasper and Eve finish tidying the family room (ish), I put a show on for them to watch.

5:30pm: Tell the older boys to figure out a chore they can do OUTSIDE without fighting/yelling. Peel potatoes for dinner.

5:45pm: The boys finish tidying the yard and deck, I tell them they can come inside as long as there is NO more fighting. Make caesar salad dressing and chop lettuce for salad.

6:00pm: Put potatoes on to boil. Toast (gramma’s homemade sourdough) bread to make croutons. Wipe and set the table.

6:30pm: Clint gets home. Turn BBQ on for steaks. Drain and mash potatoes. Put steaks on BBQ.

6:45pm: EAT.

7:15pm: Desmond clears table. The kids get pyjamas on. Clint takes the boys downstairs to watch him play Minecraft (their favorite thing ever lol). I tidy the kitchen and change into my comfy clothes.

8:00pm: I get Eve into bed and read her a story. Lights out + hugs and kisses.

8:15pm: I collapse onto the couch.

8:30pm: Clint puts the boys to bed. I make us some decaf coffees and get out the Reese Dark Chocolate thins that I bought at Walmart earlier (SO. GOOD.)

8:45pm: Go downstairs to watch a movie. Can’t find the blu-ray player remote. Search for 30 minutes.

9:15pm: Finally get to watch the movie. And enjoy the coffee + chocolate.

10:05pm: I fall asleep on the couch, Clint wakes me up and I drag myself upstairs for bed.

10:15pm: I crawl into bed. Lights out.

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